3 Ways To Fix US Cellular Voicemail Not Working

us cellular voicemail not working
us cellular voicemail not working

The Chicago based telecommunications company US Cellular reaches over 450 million subscribers across all American territory.

Although it is not yet in the same league as the three giants, AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile, the company has been growing its numbers as it increases its coverage area.

Its affordable packages have been the main reason for the company’s growth in the past few years, making it a solid option as a mobile carrier in the U.S.

Nevertheless, even with all the investment it has been putting in enhancing its reach and stability of signal, US cellular is not free from issues. Many users have been seeking answers on forums and Q&A communities online for an issue regarding their voicemail service.

They have been reporting a malfunction that is stopping customers from receiving, sending, or even checking their voicemail. Although with all the messaging technologies apps offered nowadays, there is still a large amount of us that will still resort to voicemail to communicate with our various contacts.

If you find yourself amongst the unfortunate few that are experiencing the same issue, bear with us as we guide you through three easy fixes that any user can perform to get rid of the voicemail problem with US cellular.

So, without further ado, here is the list of fixes any user can attempt without any risk of damage to the equipment.

Fixing US Cellular Voicemail Not Working

  1. Give Your Mobile A Reboot

Give Your Mobile A Reboot

The first and easiest fix for the voicemail issue is to simply give your mobile a reboot.

This is because the issue might lie in the fact that the connection between the mobile and US Cellular servers may not be properly established. By rebooting the mobile, you are giving it a chance to attempt reconnecting from a fresh starting point, which in most cases has been reported to be a successful tactic.

Bear in mind that rebooting the device will cause all apps to shut down and reload afterwards, so should you have any data you want to save, proceed with that task before rebooting the mobile.

To perform the reboot, simply hold down the power button until the options pop up on your screen, then select ‘reboot now’. There will probably be a prompt to confirm the reboot, so just confirm it and give your mobile time to redo the connections and restart as it should.

Another good reason to reboot your mobile from time to time, even if you are not experiencing any sort of issues, is that by doing so, the system gets rid of all unnecessary temporary files that may be hindering its performance.

After successfully rebooting the device, you should notice your mobile running with a fresh and more stable performance. Make sure to test the voicemail feature afterwards to confirm the issue is solved by the system.

  1. Check The Setup Of The Mailbox Function

There is always the chance the voicemail function has not been properly set up when you first got it, or when you changed your carrier. Should that happen, there is a big chance the voicemail feature will not work properly, so the best thing to do is check its setup.

In order to reach the voicemail settings, you can either dial *86 and type send, or type the whole ten digits of your mobile number and hit send. Both options will open the setup and lead you through the first step, which is to select the language you want to proceed with.

The second step is to set up a PIN number for your account, which you will be prompted for later on as you attempt to go through the configuration of the voicemail function. So, make sure you have it written down.

Lastly, record the voice message your contacts will hear when sending you a voicemail, or simply select one of the pre-recorded options you will be no doubt be offered.

Make sure to give the mobile a reboot before attempting to check if the changes were successful. Doing so will save the newly set up configurations. Once again, make sure to check the voicemail feature is working after the reboot process is completed.

  1. Set Up A New Password

Set Up A New Password

Some users reported that the issue started happening for them upon forgetting the password. Since the voicemail feature will prompt users to input the password before allowing the access to the messages left by the contacts, make sure you know which password you set up.

Should you need to set up a new password, simply type 611 and send, and the system will take you to the configuration of the voicemail function. Bear in mind that this option will only work if you have your PIN with you, as it will be prompted upon attempting to reach the voicemail settings.

In the event you do not remember your PIN number, you will have to go through US Cellular customer support. The good thing is they will be able to guide you through the whole process and both your PIN number and voicemail password will be reset in a few minutes.

On a final note, US Cellular’s highly trained professionals deal with all kinds of issues so they will surely know what is happening with your mobile and help you fix any sorts of issues you may be experiencing.

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