6 Methods To Solve FreedomPop Billing Issues

freedompop billing issues
freedompop billing issues

FreedomPop is an MVNO service that gives you phone and internet options for your devices. It leases bandwidth from the AT&T network and hence gives coverage to most areas in the United States.

You might find yourself subscribing to the FreedomPop free plans or you would want to upgrade because of your internet and phone needs.

Maybe you have to do international calling or your work demands messaging your colleagues every now and then.

Or probably you have more data usage than a normal user because of your requirements.

So, many of you will have a paid plan for FreedomPop services, but it is not hidden about the billing errors which come with it.

That is, some of you will have your accounts suspended or dormant and when you try to update the billing information you are still not able to recover.

FreedomPop Billing Issues:

Billing issues are common in paid services. As much as you hate to get account issues when your billing is not renewed you might get it often.

However, FreedomPop does give you features to keep track of your payments but these features are user-enabled.

This means if you choose not to have them in your account it is your own choice. But it would be hard for you to keep a track of the due date whenever you are at the end of the billing cycle without a reminder notification.

But if a feature doesn’t work for you, doesn’t mean that you can be subjected to issues. A service must be balanced for all users.

Now with that said, the possibility of you getting past the due date can be low but never zero even with billing notifications.

So either way you can have FreedomPop billing issues. A billing error means no account usage, internet issues, not being able to make and receive calls, send messages etc. which can get quite frustrating.

So if you were wondering about how to solve such issues, we have got some general troubleshooting for you. Let us look further in the article.

  1. Account Gets Suspended:

Are you not getting any messages, or when you are trying to make a call you are getting a frequent error? This can happen if you account is not active. It means you are not currently using any service for the line.

Which will get you the phone and internet problems. This is however a conventional way of assuming you have run in to an error. But it is best to check whether this is because of the billing issues in your account.

Log out From your Account And Log in Again

Maybe you have passed the due date and your payment is not renewed, or the billing information you have given is having issues.

So you can simply log in to your FreedomPop account and check all things are set in the billing area.

If not you have probably got your account suspended and you will need to revive it.

Most of you update the billing information especially when you have paid for the next renewal but somewhat the system doesn’t get it.

For this you will have to wait a few minutes for your account status to change.

If you find issues in getting your account re-activated, you can always reach out to FreedomPop support and they will look into your account details and update the status.

  1. Billing Information Is Not Correct:

Most of you get into billing issues because the online information you have provided is not correct or the provider is getting issues in withdrawing the payment.

specific service called detailed billing

Maybe the card you have provided is not working or you do not have any balance to carry out the payment. This is often the cause of the issue but some of you do not notice it.

If you have recently changed your card details double check if they are correct. Moreover, you can check if your credit card has a balance on it.  Update your billing information and see if this solves the issue.

  1. Account Became Dormant:

You might be aware of the word ‘dormant’. For an account to be dormant it means that it is temporarily disabled because you haven’t used it. Maybe your data usage is low which is why your account has become dormant.

If you have usage of less than 5MB for data and you have made less than 5 calls per month your account will be temporarily disabled. This is an issue that can be solved by directly contacting FreedomPop.

Because if the account is dormant you will have issues updating the billing information online. So it is best to get in touch with a professional. They will update your account status and you will be able to get it right.

  1. Free Plan Renewal Issue:

data plan

Most of you will have the FreedomPop free plans and this is where the issue happens frequently.

When you are a free plan user, you need to renew your payment every month. If the payment is not renewed you will experience issues.

You may have submitted the payment late which is why the account is not submitting to the update request.

It may take a few minutes to get your service back but if it doesn’t you will have to check if the amount has been deducted or not.

If the payment has been cut and the billing information is not yet updated, get in touch with a FreedomPop professional to solve this issue.

  1. Enable Recurring Payments:

When you disable the recurring payment feature on your account, your payment does not get renewed automatically and you will not be notified when the renewal date has passed.

Probably you forgot about renewing your line so the service gets airtime expired. This means you have canceled the subscription.

Simply go to your FreedomPop account and select your line. Change the plan for the line and pay for the renewal. You will get your service back.

  1. Manually Make And Update Payment:

Online payments can get problematic. A single mistake either from your side or the provider’s end can cause issues in your account.

It might be your payment has failed due to insufficient balance or the payment method is invalid.

Therefore if you are unable to renew payment you can always manually pay your bill. For this log on to your FreedomPop account and submit a manual payment.

Then update the payment information and wait a few seconds. A minute or so will take if you renewed the payment for a suspended or dormant account.

Try A Software Update

  1. FreedomPop Is Charging Surplus:

This issue has also been raised where FreedomPop is charging more than the paid plans costs. This can be an error from the company’s side and you should report the issue immediately after you see such activity.

Besides that if you have multiple lines on your account they might be charging for all the lines in a joint, which will give you an impression of them charging more.

Just add up all your line bills and confirm whether the amount matches.

If you are seeing this for only one line feel free to contact FreedomPop at 888-702-8302 and discuss the matter.

You can also post a question on the FreedomPop forum and you will be responded by a professional in earliest time.

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