6 Ways To Troubleshoot WiFi Password Rolling Automatically Without Your Permission Issue

rolling wifi password automatically
rolling wifi password automatically

Wi-Fi is an important addition to every home and space. It’s safe to say that there is no life without high-speed internet and Wi-Fi connection. However, with Wi-Fi, people often struggle with security issues, and rolling a Wi-Fi password automatically is one of them. If your Wi-Fi recently changed the password automatically as well, we have got the solutions for you!

Rolling a WiFi Password Automatically

1) Abrupt Factory Reset

Some users have reported that their Wi-Fi password is changed automatically when they simply reboot the router. This is because the router is reset to factory settings even if they simply rebooted the router. In that case, you will have to call your internet service provider as they can share the new password with you. As a result, you will be able to access the internet connection.

2) Hacking

It’s no secret that Wi-Fi connections are vulnerable to security issues. So, if the Wi-Fi changed the password automatically, there are chances that some third party has hacked your connection and changed your password. This is a minor issue and is fixable by factory resetting the router. For a factory reset, just look for the red small button on the back of your router and push it with a pin. As a result, the Wi-Fi connection will be reset and you can apply a new password.

3) Firmware

The majority of people undermine the firmware but it plays an essential role in improving the security standards of your Wi-Fi connection. This is because the network companies and router companies regularly launch the firmware for improving the firewalls and security on your router, hence lower the chances of hacking. That being said, you must update the firmware regularly to ensure higher security standards for your Wi-Fi connection.

4) Security Protocols

The security protocols are set on the Wi-Fi router for a reason. So, if your Wi-Fi password was changed automatically, you must set specific security protocols for your Wi-Fi connection. Ideally, the WPA2-PSK security protocol makes the best choice. However, some routers don’t have this security protocol, so you can opt for WPA2. In case you are using WPA2-PSK, make sure that your password is long and complicated (full of numbers, symbols, and different letters).

5) Password

When it comes down to the password, we have already suggested that you’ve to change the password after resetting the router. However, you must change the admin password because it’s different from than Wi-Fi or router password. Also, the admin password has to be stronger than the Wi-Fi password because that’s the entry point for any hacking activity.

6) Antivirus

If your network security has been compromised, it can be done by malware and viruses as well. So, if the password is automatically changing, your Wi-Fi network might be under a virus or malware attack. For this reason, you must install the antivirus app on your system and delete the virus and malware from your system. The tips from this article should secure the Wi-Fi connection and there won’t be chances of automatic password changing. If nothing works, just call your internet service provider!

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