Setup Linksys MR7350 Without App – Basic Guide

linksys mr7350 setup without app
linksys mr7350 setup without app

The Linksys mr3350 is a smart mesh technology that uses dual bandwidth to provide complete signal coverage throughout your home. This router features Wi-Fi 6 technology, allowing users to perform heavy-duty tasks, such as steaming and gaming, from anywhere in the house. Though many people have had trouble setting up the router because it requires the Linksys app, which can cause compatibility issues on some devices, there is a way to set up your Linksys MR7350 router without it. This article will show you how to set up your Linksys MR7350 router without using an app.

Linksys MR7350 Setup Without The App Guide

Once you have purchased the Linksys MR7350 router from your provider, the first step is to install the hardware into your home. Therefore you can install your Linksys router by connecting all the necessary cables to their respective ports. After successful installation of the router, you need to set up your Linksys MR 7350. This can either be done with or without the Linksys app. To save you from the hustle of compatibility problems of the app, these basic steps will guide you to set up your MR7350 without the Linksys app:

  1. Power ON your Linksys router using the power button located at the back of your router
  2. Go to your web browser and type in in your search bar.
  3. A login page will be displayed on the screen
  4. Log in to the page using the default login credentials that have been provided by the service provider
  5. After successful login to the page, navigate to the setup wizard
  6. Find the Wireless Name option and click it
  7. In the column provided against the wireless name, enter the name
  8. Click on the Wireless Password and enter the password in the column
  9. From the encryption security option, select Wireless Security.
  10. Once you have reached this step, you have to set the frequency band using the ‘Frequency Radio’ option
  11. A dropdown list will appear.
  12. Select the connection type and the channel bandwidth in the list
  13. Complete all the settings and click the ‘apply’ option to save all the changes that you have made.
  14. Now your setting of the MR7350 router has been completed successfully.

The benefit of using a web browser over an app is straightforward. It is consistent. That means if you are using a Mac or a Windows computer, the web interface remains unchanged. Moreover, you protect yourself from privacy issues i.e. no third party can see what you or your family is doing which is quite the opposite of setting up an app that involves the interference of the third party.

In conclusion, keeping the above points in consideration, it is safe to use a web browser over an application. That is, setting up through a web browser allows you to access all the router’s settings and characteristics without downloading an application beforehand. This saves a lot of trouble with compatible issues as well as privacy concerns.

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