Hacker Is Tracking You Message: What To Do About It?

hacker is tracking you message
hacker is tracking you message

Internet is an undeniable part of our daily lives but hacking and internet breaches have become extremely common as well. For the same reason, some smartphone users complain about, “hacker is tracking you” message but it’s nothing to be worried about because we have everything you should know about this message!

Hacker Is Tracking You Message – What To Do About It?

In the majority of cases, these messages and pop-ups are nothing and this message is one of them. It’s best that you ignore them because no one is actually tracking your phone. However, there are certain things that you should be aware of;

  • Never touch or tap this pop-up message because it starts opening never-ending tabs on your browser
  • If you want to remove the message, moving the phone and orienting it in a vertical direction should help
  • At the top of the screen, look for the gray area (it generally looks like the web address bar) and touch it
  • For dismissing the message, just swipe on the left side and the pop-up will be cleared

These small steps will help you get rid of the pop-up messages and you won’t even have to interact with them or bear the consequences. The only thing that you shouldn’t do is tapping on the pop-up (yes, don’t even touch the cross sign or exit button). Even more, when you are browsing through a new website and the pop-up appears, it’s likely that the website is malicious and you should not visit it again.

Is Someone Hacking Your Phone?

“Hacker is tracking you” message doesn’t mean that you are at the threat of a security breach. However, if you want to be sure, there are some symptoms that should tell you if the phone is under a hacking attack. In the section below, we are sharing those symptoms, such as;

  • When the phone is under a hacking attack, the charging will start draining quicker as compared to before. This is because fraud apps and malware attacks can drain too much power
  • The second symptom that your phone is under hacking attack is the slow performance of the smartphone. That’s because when the phone is breached, the processing power will be consumed, and you might even experience app crashes and freezing
  • If a hacker has made his way into your phone, you will notice suspicious activities on the online accounts. To be sure, you can check the social media accounts and check your email for password resets and new account logins
  • In the majority of cases, the hackers tap the phones through SMS trojan, and they can send SMS and make calls through your phone and impersonate themselves (you won’t even get to know). So, check the phone’s text messages and call log to see if there are some messages and calls you didn’t make

If your phone is not struggling with any of these symptoms but the said message still appears, the pop-up is harmless. So, just swipe left to dismiss it and you are good to go!

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