Netgear Orbi RBR40 vs RBR50 – Which Should You Get?

netgear rbr40 vs rbr50
netgear rbr40 vs rbr50

Choosing the right router for yourself can oftentimes be one of the hardest decisions that you have to make. Picking the wrong router means not having the features that you will need to realize your network’s full potential. Likewise, we have had users compare Netgear Orbi users compare RBR40 vs RBR50. So, if you are also someone who wants to make a purchase but can’t really decide between the two models, then this article is for you! Using the article, we will be comparing all the aspects of both these routers to help you make a better decision.

Netgear Orbi RBR40 vs RBR50

1. Range

One of the more important aspects that you will notice on your router is the range of area that it manages to cover. To put it more simply, how far away can you be from the router until you are no longer able to use the internet.

When it comes to range, the RBR40 manages to cover an area of up 4000 square ft. On the other hand, the RBR50 model can cover a whole area of range up to 5000 square ft.

2. Performance

Apart from the range, the actual performance of the router is another crucial factor that needs to be considered before making any decision. Luckily, both these routers come with 512 MB RAM and a whole 4GB of flash memory. So, you won’t have to be worrying about the device’s stability in any way.

Furthermore, one noticeable performance aspect of the RBR50 is the backhaul antenna which allows the router to reach up to 1.7Gbps of internet speed. Compared to it, the RBR40 can only go up to 867Mbps. This means that the RBR50 will give you much higher bandwidth speed capabilities than the prior model.

3. Features

Feature-wise, both the options offered by Orbi come fully packed in. Not only are you able to use all other Orbi extensions with the two routers, but these routers also support the feature of having an additional speaker, known as Orbi Voice.

You can even use certain Orbi devices in order to get up to 2500 square ft worth of extended range, which can be quite handy for certain users. On top of that, the Orbi Voice has both Google and Alexa virtual assistants pre-installed inside it, making up for better accessibility.

4. Pricing

Undeniably the most important factor for most users would be the pricing of both these products. As the RBR50 comes with certain additional features as well as better performance, it will likely cost you a lot more than the RBR40.

Normally, the Orbi RBR50 is priced $80 more than the RBR40, which is why often users prefer going for the latter. However, considering all the extra performance boost that you are getting, the extra cost does make sense.

Which One Should You Get?

Now that we have discussed all the important aspects regarding both these routers, the question still remains as to which one of the two routers should you really get for yourself. The answer to that purely depends on your use case.

If you don’t really plan to use more than a 1Gbps internet connection, there really isn’t any point in getting the RBR50 for the extra speed capabilities. But then again, if pricing is one of your least concerns and you want to have as much features as you can possibly get, then the RBR50 is clearly the better choice.

The Bottom Line

Comparing RBR40 vs RBR50, both are exceptional options that come with a number of benefits. These routers are packed with plenty of features and should be able to fill in most of your internet requirements. But there are certain differences in both these routers that you should be aware of, especially if you are looking to buy either one of the two.

To learn more, make sure that you read through the article, which discusses everything there is to know about these routers.

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