8 Ways To Fix Slow Internet On Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead slow internet
Left 4 Dead slow internet

Left 4 Dead is a shooter video game with a first-person configuration. With this game, players fight against the zombies and players play as the survivors. This game demands a high-speed internet connection to work properly. On the contrary, Left 4 Dead slow internet is a demeaning issue but we have the troubleshooting methods for it!

How To Fix Left 4 Dead Slow Internet?

1. Internet Connection

First of all, when players use Wi-Fi connections to play the game, the frequency can be hogged. In simpler words, there will be network interruption with Wi-Fi connections, hence the slow internet issue with the game. With this being said, the users can opt for the cable connections because they reduce the chances of signal interruptions. For this purpose, you should insert the ethernet cable directly into the computer and connectivity will be optimized.

On the other hand, users can also opt for DSL connections; they won’t have too high-speed an internet connection but it works fine with the games. You can ask your internet service provider to update the internet settings. However, if everything is fine from the ISP’s end, you can move to the next troubleshooting methods. Lastly, if you are still using the Wi-Fi connection, it’s best to reboot the router and modem because it refreshes the internet signals.

2. Ping

When it comes down to the slow internet issue with Left 4 Dead, it’s primarily because of the ping issue. For this purpose, you need to open the game and go to the in-game tab. From there, choose the in-game server browser and set the low ping/minute. You could try using the ping at around 500 and it will fix the internet connection.

3. Launch Option

If you’ve already set the ping settings, you need to focus on the launch options with Left 4 Dead. For optimizing the launch options, open the properties from the games library and hit the “set launch options.” Then, change the w 1366 -h 768 and it will enhance the internet speed. As a result, the network connectivity issue will be fixed.

4. Mods

The Mods are the ultimate culprits of the internet issue with Left 4 Dead. This is because some Mods can lead to internet lag issues. Truth be told, the Mods are designed to offer an efficient gaming experience but they can hinder the internet connection. For this purpose, we suggest that you switch off Mods in the game and try playing the game again.

5. Kill Ping

The network connection can be optimized in Left 4 Dead by using Kill Ping. This is because the ineffective routing conditions and far-off game servers from the internet service provider can lead to transmission issues. The transmission issues include internet signals transmission and data transfer. With this being said, Kill Ping helps optimize the network connections by ensuring effective algorithms in the routing. In addition, it reduces traffic congestion and cluttered data issues. Therefore, the internet issue will be fixed in no time when you start using Kill Ping.

6. Hard Disk

When the game lags, it is not always because of the slow internet. This is because, for optimal operation of Left 4 Dead, the hard disk and memory will be streamlined. For this purpose, the hard disk must have at least 7.5GB storage while the memory must be minimum of 2GB RAM. Once you have the correct system, the game will be optimal.

7. Drivers

The drivers are essential for every game to work properly. Usually, updating the network driver helps resolve the network connectivity. You can use the driver programs for scanning the driver updates and download them. In addition to the network driver, you must update the graphic card driver as well. This is because it will streamline the visuals and data transmission in the game, hence better connectivity.

8. Paged Pool Memory

Usually, people tend to blame the slow internet for ineffective visuals and low performance. However, it might be because of the paged pool memory. For this purpose, the users must set this feature to low settings. So, open the options in the game and scroll down to the paged pool memory. Further, just change the setting to low. As a result, the performance issues are resolved because it allocates lesser memory for the graphics.

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