3 Ways to Fix The Subscriber Is Not In Service Text

the subscriber is not in service text
the subscriber is not in service text

Whenever you place a call to a telephone number, your dialed call gets disconnected or sometimes it turns out to be incorrect in some ways. When any incorrectness is seen, you get an instant response from an “Intercept Service Operator”. Although, it depends on the service company if the function is done by a person or merely a machine. It is quite common to experience texts saying “The Subscriber Is Not In Service”.

There are multiple reasons for getting such texts. The reason for the dialed number out of service or network coverage is the most commonly observed factor. We will walk you through some major reasons behind this text as well as some troubleshooting solutions that might work for you to fix the issue.

Before we get deep into the issue, we must have a prior understanding of what these operators are up to.

Operator Intercept Service:

Operator Intercept Service makes sure that your call is taken up by a live company operator providing instant assistance to you because they might assume you have misdialed the number.

Machine Intercept Service:

Machine Intercept Service gets back to you by answering to your misdialed/misconducted call with a pre-recorded message or simply a text message.

Different company operators have different intentions behind sending that text. For some companies, this text is only restricted to the meaning that your dialed number owner is out of service because of unpaid history. Thus, it is one polite way to inform you of the situation of your dialer.

You must be wondering what is causing such an unfortunate issue. Keep on reading to have your wonderings resolved.

Why Am I Receiving The Text Saying “The Subscriber Is Not In Service”?

Mostly the people that you get number from fooling you by giving out the fake one just to ghost you later so there is no solution for it. While others might have mistaken you giving their numbers. Since invalid numbers do not get recognized so they usually go ignore, your calls never proceed to the desired number and you end up wondering what has gone wrong.

Here we have enlisted the reasons:

  • The subscriber doesn’t want to be contacted in the first place so he gave you an invalid number.
  • You must have misdialed your number and replaced important digits.
  • Your subscriber is out of the network coverage of the service you have been trying to reach him with.
  • Your dialed number hasn’t paid for the telephone services.

Now that you have been known with the issues, troubleshooting them would be easy.

How Do I Troubleshoot “The Subscriber Is Not In Service”?

Try these basic troubleshooting steps:

  1. Recheck The Dialed Number:

When you encounter such text, the first thing you would need to do is recheck the number that you have dialed.

  1. Restart Your Phone:

Restart your phone to make sure that the network bug leaves if there is any.

  1. Try Later:

If nothing helps, then simply re-insert your SIM card and dial the number again. You can also wait for a few moments to dial later.

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