OpenVPN: No Server Certificate Verification Method Has Been Enabled (3 Fixes)

openvpn no server certificate verification method has been enabled
openvpn no server certificate verification method has been enabled

OpenVPN is one of the best VPNs out there as not only they are providing you with a wide range of services to choose from in accordance with the needs and requirements that you might have, but they are also offering world-class security on any public or private network.

All this collectively makes it the right choice for most of the businesses and individuals out there to go for OpenVPN for all the needs that they have and make their connections secure. However, if you are getting an error message stating “No Server Certificate Validation Method Has Been Enabled”, here is all you need to know about it.

OpenVPN: No Server Certificate Verification Method Has Been Enabled: What Does it Mean?

To solve the issue, and troubleshoot it in the right manner, you need to know what it means, and what are the reasons that might be triggering the error message on your screen. To start with that, there are multiple validation certificates that are in play whenever you are connected over the internet. These certificates are connected with your browser, your server, ISP, and a whole lot more factors. These certificates basically ensure that the information that is being transferred over the internet is secure from each end, and there are no third-party intrusions for reading or changing the data.

If you are getting that specific error message, that means that the certificate validation server might not be responding, or your connection might not have set it properly. Whatever the case might be, here are a few ways to have it fixed over the OpenVPN.

1) Update your Browser

The server certificate validation is mostly done by your web browser and while most of the latest browsers update automatically when connected to the internet, there might have been some issue with your update and that can cause you to have such problems. What you will need to do in such cases is to update the website browser to its latest version and that will solve all sorts of problems for you. Make sure that you also enable the auto-updates on for your browser and that will certainly make it work.

2) Websites issue

Another thing that you must know about this specific error message is that each website also has its own security certificate that is validated by the browser. So, you must be careful about that while trying to visit some website that you don’t trust and if you are visiting any such website for the first time, you are likely to get that error as a warning message that you should avoid browsing such websites.

3) Update OpenVPN

This was a bug with some versions of the OpenVPN and that caused a mess back then. You can face this error sometimes with the outdated application versions and that might be the culprit here. So, update the version of the OpenVPN application that you are using and that is going to solve the problem for you most of the times and you will not be bothered with that error message again.

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