9 Ways To Fix No Man’s Sky Slow Internet

No Man's Sky slow internet
No Man’s Sky slow internet

No Man’s Sky is a survival game, built over exploration, combat, survival, and trading. The game has more than eighteen quintillion planets for players to play through. However, No Man’s Sky slow internet can be pretty frustrating, and it won’t even let you play the game in peace. Let’s check out how the slow internet issue can be fixed!

How to Fix No Man’s Sky Slow Internet?

1. Resolution

The resolution settings of the game will directly influence the internet connection. For instance, if the resolution settings are set to high, internet consumption will be higher. That being said, if the internet connection is not strong enough and the resolution settings are high, the game will have slow internet issues. For this reason, it’s best to reduce the resolution settings, and the internet consumption will be optimized.

2. Screen

Some people don’t believe it, but the large screen consumes higher internet bandwidth. This is because the bigger area is to be covered on the screen, hence more internet consumption. For this reason, we suggest that you change the full-screen settings to the full windowed screen. Once the screens settings are changed, you will see an improvement in the internet connection.

3. DVR

The DVR settings are important for optimal game performance. Similarly, the game DVR ensures smooth gaming performance for No Man’s Sky. When you disable the game DVR, the internet bandwidth will be reduced. For reducing the DVR, open the settings and go to the game DVR option. Now, ensure that the “record in the background while playing the game” option is switched to the off settings. As a result, the internet connection will be streamlined.

4. Drivers

When the game drivers aren’t updated, it can hinder the performance. Similarly, it can jinx the internet and network connectivity. So, if the internet is slow on No Man’s Sky, there are chances that the drivers aren’t updated. You could opt for the third-party software that scans for the driver updates. In case the updates are available, download and install them on the system, and the network issues will be fixed. While you are at it, don’t forget to update the GPU since it streamlines the gaming performance.

5. 3D Settings

Sure, the 3D settings look great, but they increase the network and internet consumption. For this reason, we suggest that you tweak the 3D settings for better performance. So, open the NVidia control panel and open the 3D settings. From this tab, choose the “prefer maximum performance” options. Generally, it’s set to the power management mode. Once the maximum performance option is set, the internet consumption will be streamlined.

6. Shader Cache

If you are an NVidia user, you would know about the shader cache. Usually, it’s famous for reducing stuttering and improving the overall performance. However, it can sometimes jinx the internet connection. That being said, you need to switch off the shader cache, and the internet connection will be faster. For this purpose, open the NVidia control panel and move to the 3D settings. Then, switch off the shader cache, and the internet connection will be optimal.

7. Settings

The priority settings will directly influence the internet speed. Truth be told, we suggest the high-priority settings on the No Man’s Sky game. These settings can be tweaked in the task manager. In addition to the priority settings, the users need to keep an eye on the power settings as well. The power settings can be set to maximum performance.

8. Background Apps

The background apps are the biggest culprits of slow internet speed. This is because when too many apps and programs are running in the background, the internet bandwidth will be divided. That being said, if you’ve various background apps running in the background while playing No Man’s Sky, just clear them up, and the internet bandwidth will be focused on the game. Once the internet is streamlined, the slow internet issue will be resolved.

9. Wired Connection

If you can opt for the wired connection for playing the game, it’s a better choice. This is because the wired connections promise minimal interferences and intrusions. So, if possible, connect the internet or ethernet cable to the computer. It will lead to strong and unhindered internet signals. As a result, the slow internet issues will be resolved with No Man’s Sky!

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