Hisense TV Won’t Turn On After Power Outage: 4 Fixes

hisense tv wont turn on after power outage
hisense tv wont turn on after power outage

TVs are perfect for people who need quick entertainment. However, there are chances when the electrical system just bursts and creates a power outage. These power outages can result in damage to electronic devices, and TV is one of them.

So, if you have the issue of “HiSense TV won’t turn on after power outage,” we are sharing the troubleshooting methods for you. That being said, try the solutions mentioned in this article to fix the HiSense TV that won’t switch on after the power outage.

Hisense TV Won’t Turn On After Power Outage

1) Hard Reset

Whenever you have to switch on the HiSense TV after the power outage, it is better to perform the hard reset. The hard reset tends to work because a power outage can sometimes lead to the locking up of TV’s processors. For this reason, we are sharing the instructions on how you can hard reset the HiSense TV, such as;

  • First of all, you have to disconnect the HiSense TV from the power connection
  • Once the power connection is out, you have to press and hold the power button of the HiSense TV (not the remote’s power button). You need to press the power button of the TV for at least ten seconds and then leave the button
  • After you leave the power button, plug the HiSense TV back to the power connection and make sure that the power cord is tightly connected to the power outlet. In addition, the power cord must be tight with HiSense TV as well
  • When the power connection is ensured with HiSense TV, press the power button of the remote, and we are certain that the TV will switch on easily

For the most part, the hard reset will take around two to three minutes. However, it’s a proven method of fixing the HiSense TV that won’t switch on after the power outage.

2) Use The Box

If you are trying to switch on the HiSense TV with the remote control, there are chances that it’s the reason behind the TV not switching on. This is because the TV might not be switching on because the remote is not working. That being said, we suggest that you change the batteries of your HiSense TV remote because it will wear out with time.

In addition to the batteries, there are high chances that the remote is being interfered with by the wireless or infrared signals. So, it’s best to clear out the interferences and try switching on the HiSense TV with the remote again.

Also, you can always replace the remote if it’s broken down. Lastly, if the remote doesn’t seem to be the issue, we suggest that you connect your HiSense TV to the power box directly and switch it on from there.

3) Power Connection

If you are struggling with the HiSense TV not switching up because there was a power outage in your area, there are high chances that the power outlet is not working. This is because a power outage can damage the power outlets by fusing the components or damaging the backend cables. That being said, we suggest that you connect your HiSense TV to a different power outlet.

However, if you want to test the power outlet, you should connect some other electronic device to the current power outlet. If the other electronic device doesn’t work either, the power outlet has gone bad, and you need to connect your HiSense TV to another power outlet. We suggest that you call the electric technician to come and fix the damaged power outlet.

Secondly, you have to check the surge protectors and fuse. For the most part, HiSense TV should not be connected to the surge protectors and extensions in the first place. However, if you were still using the surge protectors and extensions, there are chances that they have gone bad. So, it’s best to take them out of the equation and connect HiSense TV to the power outlet directly.

4) Soft Reset

We have already mentioned the hard reset for unlocking the processor of the HiSense TV. Anyhow, let’s check out the instructions for soft resetting the HiSense TV, such as;

  • The first step is to turn off the HiSense TV from the wall outlet and make sure to remove the power plug from the socket
  • After disconnecting the power plug, you have to wait for around thirty seconds and plug it back
  • As a result, the TV will release the congestion, and the TV will be recalibrated

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