Sync Timing Synchronization Failure – Failed to Acquire QAM/QPSK

sync timing synchronization failure - failed to acquire qam/qpsk
sync timing synchronization failure – failed to acquire qam/qpsk

The notion of synchronization failure has been on the rise for a long time, and it has been impacting the computer and network speed. In the same vein, the sync timing synchronization failure will lead to failure in acquiring the QAM/QPSK symbol timing. With this being said, you will experience the high and out of spec upstream power.

In addition, the downstream power will be weak, leading to packet loss, latency issues, speed issues, automatic modem reboots, and random connection disconnections. So, if you have been experiencing these issues, there are chances that sync timing synchronization failure has incurred. In this article, we have outlined the troubleshooting tips to fix this synchronization failure, such as;

Sync Timing Synchronization Failure- Failed to Acquire QAM/QPSK

1. Coax Cable Splitters

If you don’t want some fancy troubleshooting methods, this is a self-troubleshooting technique through which users can harness better internet connectivity. In addition, you need to check if there are excess coax cable splitters in the line because it can really lead to the reconfiguration of modems and the elimination of a proper system.

If you are using the coax cable splitters, make sure that they are just enough in number and are high-quality. The cable splitter should be bi-directional, and the rating should be 5 to 1002MHz. With this being said, you must always test the splitters before installing them. On the other hand, if there are no excessive splitters, you need to use one two-way splitter and connect it to the port feeding part of the modem (on the main port).

2. Frame Rate

If the synchronization is failing, you need to check the frame rate settings. In addition, the frame rate settings should be the same on all connected devices. On top of everything, the frame rate setting must be the same on Logic Pro, tape machine, and the synchronizer itself. The users need to ensure the MTC didn’t feed in wrong frame rates. If the frame rate settings are wrong, use the Tempo Editor to turn off the detect option and manually enter the correct frame rate settings.

3. Multiple Circular References

The synchronization might fail when the groups are integrated with more than one circular references. So, the groups are usually listed down in the response code list, which means you need to fix the settings and references, so you are able to break the cycle.

4. Constraint Failing

With the failed transaction, the response code might halter the issue because the constraint is failing. This usually occurs when two users have a similar email address or a domain name. This issue will be resolved through the insertion of a complete response code.

5. Cloud-Managed Groups

If the users haven’t been able to attempt the overwriting of the managed group, the synchronization will be impacted. This will happen when the devices have the same cloud-managed group name. In this case, it is advised that you rename the duplicating groups, which ensures the elimination of conflict.

6. Loaded Cloud Service

If the synchronization isn’t enabled on the account or isn’t available for now, there are chances that the cloud is loaded. In this case, just restart the directory or retry the synchronization after some time.

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