Slow Download Fast Upload On Ethernet: 10 Fixes

slow download fast upload ethernet
slow download fast upload ethernet

Internet connections are crucial for everyone. Similarly, there are download and upload speeds associated with the internet connection. The download speed determines the Mbps for downloading data on the device, while upload speed is how many Mbps it takes the server to upload the data on the server. Some users often struggle with slow download fast upload ethernet speeds, and we have outlined how it can be fixed!

Slow Download Fast Upload On Ethernet

1) Reboot The Computer

To begin with, the internet speed can be optimized by rebooting the computer (or whichever device you are using the internet on). This might be an old trick, but it works for the majority of issues. For instance, rebooting the computer will switch off the apps that you didn’t know we’re running. That being said, reboot the computer, open the browser, and try using the internet (you are welcome!).

2) Internet Speed

In case rebooting the computer didn’t work, there is something wrong with the internet connection itself. For this reason, the users are suggested to test the internet speed. If the internet speed is slower than you signed up for, you must contact the internet service provider. The internet service provider will fix the probable issues with the internet connection and troubleshoot it. As a result, the internet connection will be streamlined.

3) Upgrade The Connection

If the download speed is slow and the upload speed is fast with the ethernet connection, there are chances that the internet connection is unable to handle the download speed. That being said, you need to contact the internet service provider and upgrade the internet connection. It will increase the internet speed, so the higher data volume will be supported by the connection.

4) Reduce The Program Count

If you are using the ethernet connection on your computer and have a slow download issue, there are chances that you’ve started excessive download programs. It’s advised that you reduce the number of programs or apps running the download features. Once the number of files and programs downloading is reduced, the speed issues will be resolved.

5) Number Of Apps

When you are using the ethernet connection on your computer, you will need to reduce the number of apps running in the background. While you are running the download programs, just close down the apps and programs if you aren’t using them. This is because it will reduce bandwidth consumption. As a result, the download speed issue will be fixed!

6) Files

When you are downloading multiple files at a time, it will result in download speed issues. This might be because the device doesn’t support the download of large files. For this reason, it’s suggested that you download one file at a time because it fixes the download speed.

7) Modem

When it comes down to internet speed issues, keep in mind that the modem’s functionality can make a huge difference. Generally, the modems are provided by the internet service providers and aren’t the best quality. In that case, you need to check the performance of the modem and ensure that it’s operating optimally. We suggest that you replace the modem and opt for the high-quality one. Once the modem is replaced, connect the ethernet cable again, and you will be able to access optimal internet signals.

8) Cable

Ethernet cables are widely used by people to ensure zero interferences. However, if the internet speed issues are bugging you, it’s likely that the ethernet cables have worn out. For this reason, you will need to look for the continuity issues in the ethernet cable through the multimeter. In case you find the issue in the ethernet cable, just replace it, and internet connectivity will be streamlined.

9) Viruses

The viruses and malware on the computer will result in network connectivity issues. That being said, you need to run the antivirus programs on the computer, and it will erase the viruses and malware. Once the viruses are cleared, the network connectivity will be optimized.

10) Firmware

The firmware is responsible for optimizing the network configurations. When the computer has outdated firmware, it can adversely influence the internet connectivity. So, we suggest that you update the firmware on your computer. As a result, the network connectivity will be streamlined, and you won’t have issues with download speed.

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