3 Common FilmOn TV Error Codes With Solutions

filmon tv error
filmon tv error

FilmOn is a famous company that provides its users with a few services. They are mostly known for their television service which works through an internet connection. This takes out the worry of having to set up coaxial cables in your home.

Alternatively, the user no longer has to have an antenna and receiver configured to watch television at their homes. There are tons of channels that you can get on the service, and the user even has the option to demand more.

You can go to their website and select a package that you are interested in to get even better features. Though, one thing that all the devices from FilmOn come with is their error codes. These help people in check what problem they are getting on their television which in results speeds up the process of getting rid of it.

Considering this, here are some common error codes that you can get on FilmOn TV along with their troubleshooting steps.

FilmOn TV Error Codes

  1. FilmOn Error Code 800

One of the most common error codes that the user can run into on their FilmOn service is the error code 800. This should appear when you are trying to access a video or file on your device.

While there is no exact meaning to this error code, you should note that this usually refers to a problem with your internet connection. Considering this, you can start by checking if your network is working fine. Try to use your internet on another device.

Alternatively, you can run speed tests on your network online. These will tell you the exact speeds your device is receiving. But make sure that you run the test by standing at the same location as your device running FilmOn.

This will ensure that there are no interruptions in the signals your system is getting. If you notice that the signal strength is low and the speeds you are getting are also slow.

Then either move your router closer to your television. Alternatively, you can start using your FilmOn service through a wired ethernet connection. This should be much faster than a wireless setup and there are no worries of your internet speeds getting slow in between.

People who are getting outages on their internet connection can contact their ISP directly. Talking to them should provide you with a solution for your network.

  1. FilmOn Error Code 107

This is another common error code that the user can get when trying to access the FilmOn services. You should note that the 107-error code also appears when you are trying to use your Wi-Fi connection.

Though, this error code can also appear if either your application or television is not running the latest firmware version on it. Most companies release them frequently to add new features to their devices.

Aside from this, any problems that people had reported previously are also mostly fixed in these updates. Considering this, if you have not installed these on your device for some reason. Then it is recommended that you do so now. This will ensure that the problem you are getting gets fixed and you can then start using your FilmOn services again.

Though, keep in mind that your connection should be secure when installing the update to ensure there are no interruptions. Additionally, reboot your device once the update had been installed so that all the files on its system can get replaced.

If you are having trouble trying to update your Smart TV then search online for its exact model. This will help you in finding a guide that you can follow to fix your issue.

  1. FilmOn Broadcast Is Down

Sometimes instead of getting an error code on your screen, the user might notice that the broadcast they are trying to watch is all down. This can be quite annoying to deal with but you should keep in mind that the services might be down from the backend.

This usually happens when the companies are running maintenance checks on their servers. This means that you will most likely be able to watch the streams after some time. Though, it is still better that you notify the team about your issue in case they were not aware of it.

2 thoughts on “3 Common FilmOn TV Error Codes With Solutions”

  1. I can mirror to my to but it goes off after 10 mins and says check your network, but the network is ok? Can you help me

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