Kodi is one of the most popular media players in the world. IT is an opensource cross-platform media player that is being offered on Windows, OSX, iOS, Android, Linux, and Raspberry Pi. KODI has gained its popularity as it offers you an interactive interface that not only supports most media file formats for movies, music, and photos but also lets you stream the internet with links and content available on the internet. You can manage all the content online easily with the help of KODI, and access your personalized libraries on all the devices you use with a simple login.
It saves you the hassle of syncing your devices as your account is synced online and if you have signed in your account on all the platforms, you can start off a movie where you left it on your other device easily. It also features tons of add-ons that can be installed that help you customize the interface, have more features on the player, and do cool stuff with your media.
If you are in the USA and you are using AT&T to stream, KODI you might have gotten a warning, or you might have read over the internet that AT&T blocks KODI. It is not entirely true. To understand it better, let’s have a deeper look into what KODI entails and how you can avoid getting a warning letter.
Is AT&T Blocking KODI?
AT&T does not block KODI at all. It is an application that is available over the internet for all and as long as you are using it for the legal media content, you will not have to worry about anything at all.
Pirated content
The USA has strict laws to counter piracy and if you are found guilty of downloading or accessing pirate materials, you can be fined for it or have to face severe penalties in case of repetition of the offense. Pirating is a serious crime, and you need to avoid it at all times. KODI allows you to access all kinds of media streams over the internet, no matter if they are copyright protected or not. This means that you might find a link that is copyright protected if you are browsing KODI.
AT&T blocks most of such links on KODI and you will not be able to see as many search results as you might have expected. This might make you think that AT&T is blocking KODI but that is not true. It only blocks the pirated content to be accessed via the AT&T network so you can stay safe and don’t access any content that might land you in trouble lately. However, if something goes unchecked and you access it unknowingly, you might receive a warning letter from AT&T or some legal authority and you need to be on your toes while accessing the internet.
Legal content
If you are using KODI to download some add-ons, using it to browse your local content stored on your hard drive, streaming YouTube or any other media server with no copyright issues at all, you can use KODI as long as you want over the AT&T without having any issues at all. There are rumors circling around about KODI being blocked by AT&T but there is no truth in that. AT&T believes in freedom of choice and offers you access to everything over the internet unless it does not conflict with any legal rules or your state laws. So, as long as you want to browse safely and stream only legal content within the US, you can use KODI over the AT&T network without having any issues.
Using a VPN
Using a VPN might get you around and you can access pirated content on KODI even on AT&T network but it is not entirely safe and you might land in some serious trouble with the law enforcement authorities for willingly browsing pirated content and trying to hide it. Hence, it is recommended to not use VPN or any other means over the internet to hide your browsing data and finding loopholes to break the piracy laws over AT&T or any other service provider in the US as this might cause you some serious issues for timely pleasure.