4 Methods To Solve Orange Light On Netgear EX7300

netgear ex7300 orange light
netgear ex7300 orange light

Netgear EX7300 is one of the best dual-band Wi-Fi mesh extenders designed by the brand as it helps extend the wireless coverage using the current router and the extender to create a Wi-Fi mesh system. In addition, it has the smart roaming feature for easier internet broadcasting and can be used with over forty devices. Once the extender is booted up properly, the LED indicators will be solid green. However, if there is Netgear EX7300 orange light, we have information for you!

Orange Light On Netgear EX7300 – What Does It Mean?

The solid orange light on the Wi-Fi extender means that the unit is booting. In most cases, the orange light turns into green light within a few seconds or minutes. However, if the extender is stuck at the booting stage and the orange light isn’t going away, you have to try the below-mentioned steps;

1. Check The Connections & Cables

First of all, you’ve to check the connections and cables because loose or damaged connections can lead to the orange light. We recommend that you check all the cables and make sure they are tightly connected. In addition, you’ve to check the cables for extreme bending or visible damage because such cables fail to transmit the signals, hence the stuck booting. So, if the cables are bent or damaged, you have to replace them. On the other hand, if the cables are only loose, you must take them out and plug them in tightly (the cable should make a clicking sound).

2. Power Cycle

The second solution is to restart the extender as it’s the simplest and most efficient way of optimizing the booting process. A power cycle will clear the cache memory, and in case there is something wrong with the firmware or software, it will be fixed with the power cycle as well. For the power cycle, you have to disconnect the power cord from the extender and leave it without power for five minutes and connect it again. Once the power is connected, wait for a few seconds for the extender to boot up, and the lights will turn green.

3. Outage

The third solution is to check for the internet outage because the extender actually uses your internet connection to extend the network. However, when the internet signals are weak or unstable, the extender doesn’t have anything to extend, hence the stuck booting process. That being said, we recommend that you call the internet service provider to ask if there is an internet outage (some internet service providers also have dedicated apps to alert the users about a network outage). If there is an outage, you’ve to wait for the ISP to fix the network server.

4. Firmware

The firmware is one of the most important parts of the network equipment, including the Wi-Fi extender. That’s because if the firmware is outdated, it can lead to booting issues, and the orange light is one of them. For this reason, we recommend that you open the extender’s dashboard, open the menu, and scroll down to firmware. When you open the firmware tab, there will be an update option that you’ve to press for installing the extender’s firmware.

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