Internet Takes A Long Time To Connect On Startup Windows 10: 3 Fixes

internet takes a long time to connect on startup windows 10
internet takes a long time to connect on startup windows 10

Microsoft has been known for its operating systems. The most recent of these was their ‘Windows 10’. The company has confirmed that there will be no new OS released from them. However, they will keep updating Windows 10 through frequent updates. While some of these updates contain new features for the ease of their users, most of these are just for security purposes.

Additionally, most users using this operating system have rated it positively and almost all of them are satisfied with their services. Although some users have reported that their internet takes a long time to connect on startup while using Windows 10. If your OS is also causing this problem then here is how you can troubleshoot.

Internet Takes A Long Time To Connect On Startup Windows 10

  1. Close Additional Startup Programs

Most operating systems from Windows have a system-built in them which allows the user to start all the applications that they use frequently on their systems after they boot up their device. While this might come in handy at times. It can end up slowing down your system. This is because most applications have the start on boot up feature switched on them after you install them. If your system takes a lot of time to connect to the internet after startup then it might be because it is busy loading up all the applications.

It is recommended that you switch off the auto bootup for the applications that you do not need and don’t use frequently. These can be switch off from the task manager on your device. To open this up, search for it in the ‘start menu’, alternatively, you can hold down ‘ctrl + shift + esc’ keys on your system at once. Afterward, open the startup tab and then disable these applications from here.

  1. Update Adapter Driver

Sometimes your adapter drivers need a new update. Running these on an older version can cause a number of problems including slow internet connections. You can update these from the device manager on your system.

However, in some cases your computer might end up installing an older version on your device. You can easily search online to find a list of the new updates of adapter driver and download them manually. This will ensure that you are now running the latest version.

  1. Reboot Devices

The problem might be in your router that you are using to access the internet instead of your operating system. Your router may have been running for a lot of time. You should note that most devices need a restart once a while or they start to slow down. Give your router and modem a reboot but make sure that you wait for at least a minute before you switch the device back on.

This helps the device in refreshing its memory and getting rid of any cache files on them. Additionally, wait for your modem to completely switch on before you power up your router. You should even give your computer a reboot during this time to refresh its memory as well.

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